By the time he got his big break as a director with 1942’s The Major and the Minor, he had already established a partnership with his first major collaborator, Charles Brackett. Their creative relationship would result in 16 films, three Oscar nominations, and four wins. For Wilder, this spirit of collaboration was always at the heart of his screenwriting process.
Following over a decade of collaboration with Brackett and the rousing success they had with their final film Sunset Blvd., Wilder took seven years and five films—trying out other creative partners—before he found I.A.L. Diamond. Like Wilder, Diamond was a Jewish writer that fled his native Europe (Romania in Diamond’s case) for the U.S. He also shared Wilder’s creative wit and meticulous professionalism. Billy and Iz were a match made in heaven.
The pair made 12 films over 20 plus years, none would be as commercially or critically successful as Some Like It Hot and the triple Oscar-winner The Apartment, at least not in their lifetimes. While many still dismiss or even deride the films that came after, nothing could be further from the truth. This six film series seeks to be a small part of the correction to the narrative, giving life to the late period of a master filmmaker and his equally deserving creative partner.