In his monumental Youth Trilogy, filmmaker Wang Bing cements his status as "the most fearless chronicler of contemporary China" (Beijing Contemporary Arts Foundation). Over the course of his decades spanning career, Wang has become known for his expansive and muralistic documentation of China's dispossessed. Wang's curiosity explores the labor forces whose ambitious, but exploitative efforts, fuel the feverishly expansionist dreams of the national economy. For this trilogy, Wang amassed 2,600 hours of footage of young garment workers whose lives are seldom celebrated. Shot between 2014 and 2019, Wang points an unflinching camera at the unfair and predatory world of textile labor in the factories of Zhili province to create a titanic ten-hour trilogy.

Complete Wang Bing Trilogy Pass
$40 for Public  •  $35 FilmScene members • $25 for students

Wang Bing Youth Trilogy

In his monumental Youth Trilogy, filmmaker Wang Bing cements his status as "the most fearless chronicler of contemporary China" (Beijing Contemporary Arts Foundation). Over the course of his decades spanning career, Wang has become known for his expansive and muralistic documentation of China's dispossessed. Wang's curiosity explores the labor forces whose ambitious, but exploitative efforts, fuel the feverishly expansionist dreams of the national economy. For this trilogy, Wang amassed 2,600 hours of footage of young garment workers whose lives are seldom celebrated. Shot between 2014 and 2019, Wang points an unflinching camera at the unfair and predatory world of textile labor in the factories of Zhili province to create a titanic ten-hour trilogy.

Complete Wang Bing Trilogy Pass
$40 for Public  •  $35 FilmScene members • $25 for students

Past Films in this Series



Sun, Dec 1



Sat, Nov 30



Fri, Nov 29

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