Dialogue with director Susanna Fogel and writer Kerry Howley
In 2017 Reality Winner leaked classified documents to The Intercept exposing Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election leading to the longest prison term ever imposed for an unauthorized release of government information to the media. Refocus Film Festival alum Susanna Fogel (Cat Person) directs this adaptation of University of Iowa Nonfiction Writing Program MFA graduate Kerry Howley's 2017 profile of Winner for New York Magazine. Starring Emilia Jones as the titular translator, we get an inside look into her personal history from precocious high schooler questioning authority to conflicted but highly paid private government contractor. With a stunning turn from Zach Galifianakis as her opioid addicted father who taught her to damn the man, this humorous and heartfelt story humanizes a public figure known for one courageous act and a funny name.